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Our Shih Tzu Litters and Available Puppies

Tracker x Flopsy

Tracker x Flopsy


June 2022, 6 pups

February 2023, 6 pups

This was our first litter between Tracker and Flopsy -- and what a great litter!  All  different variations of brindle and white, some being a bit more gray, and some being a bit more gold.

We were so pleased with their personalities, as well!  One was a bit more willing to stand up to bigger dogs, one was very clearly a lap dog, and the rest were just good, even-tempered Shih Tzus.  

As our second litter between Tracker and Flopsy, we were interested to see what would come -- and these pups were exactly like the first litter (which is a breeder's dream, having genetics between different litters from the same parents to be so similar). 

Another lovely litter, all with wonderful homes!

Tracker x Maple


September 2023, 5 pups

This was our first litter with Maple, and she's as good of a mama dog as we were told!  Her pups were either brindle and white or brown with black points, and their personalities are all great. I can see Maple's look and attitude in some of them!  They all went to their new homes around Christmas!

Our Litters & Available Puppies: Available Pets
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